Wednesday 6 February 2013

Wiper Motor

The wiper motor has previously worked. I tried it from switch on the dash and it doesn't park. Thanks to help from the forum its because the plug on the motor is unbelievably crap. This is the offending beastie:

The park ramp on the wiper motor pushes the plunger which changes the contacts around and stops the motor. Great on paper. Unfortunately the contacts are free to wobble around all over the place so its practically useless. Solution is to get some gloop, most likely silicone potting compound or a nice blob of RTV  around the contacts at the top, leaving the plunger area at the bottom clear to do its thing.

Update: massive blob of RTV was deployed, still no joy. The switch appeared to be useless so after a few frustrating days I finally realised that although the switch in the dash was wired correctly (proper Lucas 2 speed wiper switch from Holden) It was upside down! its a wonder it did anything at all!

I slightly modified the wiper park switch with some blobs of solder to bring the contacts closer together, and close the distance to the plunger as the plunger isn't long enough to make the second connection to earth.

Amazingly it now works! Wipers reinstalled with a bit of sticky back foam wedged above the boden cable tube to stop it wobbling:

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